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Thank you for submitting your event. Once you submit it, we will review it and publish it as quickly as we can – usually about two weeks in advance of the event. We're only able to read some of the events on the air.

To display your website, it must be written with the full address: For example:

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  • Events submitted to the website are not guaranteed to be put on the air unless you have paid for that service. To have guaranteed announcements on the air, please call our office at 850-889-4157.

  • You must be a church or 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to have your event posted on the WOW website.

  • This event calendar is for special events only. It is not intended for recurring, weekly meetings or regular church services. Items submitted which are not identified as a special event will not be approved.

  • The contact person for the submission will be held responsible for the accuracy of the event content.

  • Use upper and lower case letters, as appropriate in this form.

  • To allow adequate time, please submit your event no more than three months before but no less than two weeks prior to your event. Events may only be scheduled for one calendar year at a time. Please allow up to 10 days for an event to be posted.

  • WOW Radio reserves the right to edit, reject, or remove any submissions at any time, for any reason or NOT to announce an event at all.

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